With texting and driving accidents on the rise nationally, distraction behind the wheel remains a top cause of car accidents in Georgia — AAA reports those who text-and-drive are more likely to be involved in a serious crash.
Georgia Truck Accident Legal Resources

Georgia Tackles Texting and Driving Accidents

Legal Help for Distracted Driving Accidents in Georgia
Atlanta distracted driving accidents are a major – and growing – problem. Urban, suburban, rural and highway – Georgia traffic safety officials report distracted driving is increasingly cited in a growing number of crashes.

Recovering Compensation For Georgia Hit-and-Run Accidents
A record number of hit-and-run accident deaths are occurring nationwide, according to the American Automobile Association (AAA). Atlanta, in particular, is struggling with a large number of fatal hit and run accidents.

Negotiating Insurance Claims for Auto Accidents
It is the job of insurance adjusters to make claims disappear for as little money as possible. Insurance professionals are highly trained and experienced at doing this, and they have a tremendous advantage over victims.

Proving Negligence in Wrongful Death Civil Cases in Georgia
The sudden death of someone you love is devastating. When you suspect or know the loss was the result of another’s careless, reckless or criminal actions, you want both answers and accountability.