Getting Justice for Victims of Parking Garage Shootings in Georgia
Parking garage shootings aren’t common, but they do happen in the state of Georgia. And unfortunately, shootings in Georgia are on the rise, with gun deaths in the state of Georgia increasing by eight percent over the past decade (May 2015).
If you are the victim of a parking garage shooting, or if you have lost a loved one in this type of crime, our experienced Georgia negligent security attorneys at Apolinsky & Associates, LLC, can help you recover the compensation you deserve through a civil action.
Why Do I Need An Attorney After Being Shot in a Parking Garage?
Shooting someone else in a parking lot is obviously a crime, and the accused person will likely face criminal charges as such. These charges are brought forth by the state, and while they may result in a criminal conviction, they do nothing to compensate you, the victim, for your emotional and economic losses.
On the other hand, when you pursue a civil case, you can seek compensation for the full extent of your damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. This can be achieved by proving that your injuries would not have been incurred but for the fault of the other party. Criminal and civil cases are completely independent of one another.
Determining Negligence in a Parking Garage Shooting Lawsuit
Negligence means the failure to act with a reasonable degree of care, or meet the duty of care owed in a given situation. In a case where injuries were sustained via a parking garage shooting, the shooter is the most obvious at-fault party. However, the shooter may not be the only one to blame – the parking garage owner may also be at fault under the theories of premises liability and negligent security.
Premises liability is a theory under civil law that holds that a property owner is required to maintain their property in a safe condition, and to take action to protect against any known or potential hazards. The security of the property should be considered in this; if the property is located in an area where crime is possible or likely, the property owner must take reasonable precautions to protect against crime. In a parking garage, locked access, security cameras, and security guards may all be reasonable measures.
Compensation for Victims of Georgia Parking Garage Shootings
Under a negligent security claim, you will need to prove that the owner of the parking garage where the shooting took place failed to exercise a reasonable duty of care by failing to provide adequate security to prevent the shooting from occurring. You can, of course, also bring a lawsuit against the shooter for damages.
Our Georgia personal injury lawyers know what you are facing, and understand the losses you have suffered. We are here to investigate, build your case, and help you prove that you deserve to be compensated. Contact us today for a free consultation.
The foregoing answer is not legal advice and is merely a general overview. You are advised to consult a lawyer to address your specific situation. Feel free to send comments or questions to: of Apolinsky & Associates, LLC, or call (404) 377-9191.
Image by James Loesch